Hello world!

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The Time I Stood Up for My Beliefs
A time I once had to express and stand up to what I believed in was the time in senior year, I had a ted talk. I was given an opportunity to give a ted talk to my classmates. I had never done this type of presentation, nor have I ever presented one of a specific concept, reading off the script mentally. My topic was based on “Teach to grow”, a belief that as “a whole we can all benefit from teaching – not always academically, but in ways where we can help teach to help benefit each other. Without understanding the use of teaching in life, society as a whole can never grow”. Now this is a very judgmental topic, meaning a good choice of words I’ve never used had to go in play. It was also all based on your opinion, your voice, not anybody else’s. It was definitely difficult; I had never done such a personal presentation that was based all on knowledge and experiences of my own. There were no facts, no graphs or information, but there was soul, and commitment of myself. It was extremely moving, because for the first time in my life I was told to just let it all go and speak my own mind. Words that I wouldn’t ever dare to say in a lecture, just be let go without any hesitation. I had no boundaries, I was free. I expressed my views to the class in honesty, pride, and ownership of my words. In other words, it had helped taught me the definition of speech and how it was to be able to express my own feelings of the world. And truly it also completed my definition of how I was “taught to grow”.

One thing that interested me in today’s class
The Lecture was incredibly attractive today but there were so many things discussed on how English and other languages had but one thing that had stood out to me the most was how we all as a group were discussing our languages in our own voice. It had gone from the discussion to “June Jordans Black English” to the proposal of personal experiences each student had with using their languages in their culture and how it affected their life. I had no idea that the Italian and Spanish I had learned in high school was really nonsense compared to the real world of language. The way the class had changed its subject towards the way they use their own English had started to portray in everyone’s mind, and everyone started to speak their own voice and minds about the use of English. Such as the lady in the back (who I’ve forgotten her name), talked of her New York accent when she had travelled to Mexico, she had thought it was “normal English” used by everyone when indeed she had an accent, and she was able to portray this using her voice. It had gone from a tone of discussing in school terms, to personal views in which everyone was able to connect using their own type of normal English. Completely ignoring the standard English used in writings because as we discussed increasingly in class, we realized there is no such thing as spoken “Standard English.” Which is what I thought had intrigued my views on how English was taught in certain schools around the world. It had made me think, we were just taught this standard English to be respectful? Or is it for social views around the world? Is It a language we truly need to communicate to others? And how will society around us think about removing the standard English taught in schools, would it just mean more disrespectful people? In conclusion, you may change and fix what I may say, but if I am the one speaking and not you do u have the right to change what I say is right or wrong?
5 Discussion questions by Oscar Vasquez
1.) How heavily does the component of grammar deem whether a writer is “good” or not?
In my response to that question, I feel all authors who write upon practice eventually revise their writing multiple times before publishing, so of course they would catch the errors of grammar there and so on. I feel like everyone has good grammar if they really read what they are writing. But deeming whether a writer is a good one is more based on the skill in which they incorporate their heart into writing you see; I feel like writers are deemed good writers if they really know how to connect with the readers acknowledging the topic each writer may incorporate of course of their major subjects they love to write about it. There’s not really a right answer, and of course there are multiple. But being a decent writer is what I would like to word it as.
2.) What are the negatives of being selfish in writing?
I feel like being selfish is both negative and positive in its own ways, I mean sure your being negative by showing your own feelings in which could potential harm someone else or even offense someone, but also be a post I’ve thing because you may be letting your own expression of feelings in which dwell inside that are nice to just write out because it’s easier to explain.
3.) What are the reasons why we write?
Well, there are a hundred ways of why we write, sometimes we need to visualize the diagrams and drawings of notes used to create something big because it’s easier to explain. Or perhaps we need to let out expressions of our feelings in which relieves stress and better state of the mind. Maybe we need to access some documents in the code of conduct in which a person is liable if broken. Writing isn’t always used to tell stories but also as a permanent message or mental guide in which we can communicate easily without hassle. But of course, there is so much more than what I have just said, in fact here I am writing about your question on why writing is needed. “To answer your question.”
4.) Is there always a true motive as to why we write? What can be achieved by having no motive?
Well yes as we must think what we’re writing, but I wouldn’t say it is its true reason, there are multiple reasons to why we write. My motive is to finish an answer in case of your question. If I had no motive to write, then I would just not complete the answer at all.
5.) Is writing without a motive equally as good as having one? Why?
Like number 4 if you have no motive of writing then it’s just a bunch of words leading towards no beginning or end, it could even be with no context. If you have no motive for writing, then it’s of course not going to be as good as having one as one will make sense while the other may be just based words of unmotivated information.
  • 1. I have been listening to this jazz fusion named Casiopea and the only reason it had been brough to my attention was mostly because of the cars of their album from post 80’s Japan tour racing championships which I found amusing. I’ve listened to a lot of jazz and other mixes of lo-fi and fusion but never particularly this type of music. Something about the vibe of the bass and melody of the piano makes it such an upbeat vibe no matter what you’re feeling. And then catching you with the ridiculously superb electric guitar ripping through the soundwaves to perform such a perfect sound and feeling its solo hit your soul directly. I was lucky to have caught such beauty by a mere glance in its album cover. I would 100 percent listen again and this time driving on the roads as it was made for.
(Poem) I’ve listened to a lot of jazz and other mixes of lo fi and fusion but never particularly this type of music. Catching you with the ridiculously superb electric guitar ripping through the soundwaves to perform such a perfect sound and feeling its solo hit your soul directly. I would 100 percent listen again and this time driving on the roads as it was made for.
  • 2. A remark of being genuine and professional. I feel like authenticity should have a value behind it that makes it worth.
(Example’s) a dish or food could be authentic
    a piece of art is authentic
    an object can be labeled of authenticity if cared for
  • 3. I feel like my authentic self is the true character in what makes me, me. Such as my public face and expressions I may make, I am actually a lot different outside of the public. The authentic self I am was make of hardships that occur towards the situation and its professionalism that I deal with which make me genuine for who I am.
  • 4. Humanity can mean a lot of things, but I feel most importantly it just means us. It doesn’t have to have a definition or an end but no matter how bad we may be or what may be happening in the world, its all the same because that how humanity lies in motion. It will always have the

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  • same meaning and end. Its name was made to describe the acts we do today no matter how strange or incomprehensive. We are still Human.
  • 5. This is hard but I feel one time I had really been my authentic self was when I was fighting in taekwondo for a tournament in Baruch college. It was a very vivid fight, and my opponent was twice my size and way older age of 20 years old. I was 16 at that time so I had been very active as a child. When out of the ring I was rather non talkative something I usually do not do when friends are around. But I stayed silent nonetheless before the fight. I tried not to act nervous but instead happy to fight. It gave a sense of psychological warfare honestly to see your opponent happy to fight you, almost as if they knew already the outcome of the fight might leave you KO ’ed on the floor. It was definitely an act that was hard to keep up but had naturally sprung from me in which I had no recognition of. Once in the ring thoughts and memories of who I was, my name, my age, or even my opponents age had disappeared. And the only thought that remained was your conscience on beating the guy. I was a whole another person. My gaze had turned from a smiling to a more non emotional loss. My joints felt stiff and felt like something was dragging me from getting to my opponent. Every time I fight, I lose a sense of who I am in which I almost become a monster. Pure raw emotion of just survival instincts was the only memory that was poured within me in the fight. Shortly after the fight I lost 7-8. As of today, I don’t remember anything of the fight, nor do I remember what my opponent looked like. Although I was sad it gave me a rather strong lesson. That no matter how nice you may be, you may always have your genuine self be worse. But this is humanity. Its our true self’s which makes us who we are its in us all.
  • 6. I feel like as a student I am in the sense of a quiet zone where I am doing nothing but keeping a sense of staying low. I feel as students begin making their own journeys to truly find who they are is when they lead an impact towards the world. I wish to enact that certain value into my life and change the world.
Homework Assignment #24th
Wednesday prompts October 19th
1.) I had known her mutually, as a friend, and someone I respected. Now it is difficult to see the differences. Someone so close, was yet so far and from then never seen again.

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2.) 1. Why must we hate
2. What is true love?
3. Is there a higher being?
4. What is the true meaning of life?
5. Will we be the last evolving generation?
6. Why do we find items and objects beautiful?
7. Are we the only ones out there?
8. What happens when everything ends?
9. Can people be better than they are now?
10. Is there such a thing as perfect? What is perfect?
3.) Mutual relationships help divide friends and compliance in which help me understand where I stand, these mutual relationships are very judgmental, and I feel help reinforce my way of understanding who I truly am towards people further allowing me to change as I grow as an individual.
Friends/priority relationships are relations you keep close to your heart, there are the people that support you when you are down and truly keep you standing when times are rough, without any friends to depend on you won’t be able to become a better person in my opinion
Family relationships are also very important too, in my culture there is a family soul or image that we try to keep bright for the better of our further generations in which they too also have the same characteristics as the previous generations. Although you may have grown up and tend to stick close to family either way since you were born in it it’s still best to try to connect to families you may be distant from. Because of course if your friends aren’t there at least your family will always be there.
4.) I had a friend I met in middle school, we never quite talked a lot, but it was mostly mutual, we knew we existed but had never really interacted. A couple of years later we had moved to high school, and we had our first classes together. We had both joined a nursing class for our Certified nursing assistant degree to be employed in the medical world. It was definitely a fun and cruel experience with all the homework and studying we had to endure but we went through it together. At that point I had started to interact more with this person. She mostly went to the gym a lot and always had a serious tone on certain views, something I never had before. Sooner or later, I invited her to be my first ever worker at my just opened boba shop at that time. From there I feel like then did our relationship started to grow. It was very difficult to categorize honestly, although I had known her mutually, we also became best friends in which of my eyes I set as a priority, but she was also loved by my family in which at some points she too also became part of my family. The moments I had with her were truly amazing, without her I wouldn’t have gone to the gym as most often as I do today and probably wouldn’t have had the same motivation as she had before. Most of the time I was always independent with myself and had

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never wanted to depend on anyone else, till she came along. Eventually we had to move locations due to college and from then I was never able to see her ever again. She had really resonated with me truly in which I thought could never happen. Everything of course comes to a bittersweet end and sometimes we just need to endure those sad moments alone which will make us learn to grow.
5.) Ryuichi Sakamoto is a music composer who I feel is authentic to his craft. He was a music composer who used elements of ambience and electronics in his music in 1979 right before the 80’s while sounding so modern. He was an artist when it came to film music and mostly composed the scores for films, such as The Last Emperor, Little Buddha, The Sheltering Sky, The Revenant, and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. And for some of these films he had also composed the score and acted in the movies as well, for example in Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence where he was the villain arc of the movie. He always knew what music’s to incorporate, and I feel that without the art he put into the movies it would not have been as deep and detailed. Currently Sakamoto is producing an album named coda in which he is using ambience of natural sounds like fresh river water running and sounds of the city into his music. He theories that we focus too much on good music and wonders if our music will evolve to music which we will not be able to comprehend in the future. Music he is trying to create now. Giving a term futuristic music. His music really helped me through the rough patches of my lifetime, while knowing these music’s were made for film it created sort of like mini plays in which I felt at ease, it made me think more about my actions and I feel like his music will be able to help others like me.
6.) Your work in definite has changed many people’s lives, although it may affect your life as of now with your situation with your illness. Now we must bring back the favor to help you in need, just like how you helped us. Thank you so much for saving my life and of everyone else’s of the sad abyss we went through. And wish the best for your health and others around you.
A formal letter to Ryuichi Sakamoto
Dear Sakamoto San

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I am sorry, I apologize for not being able to uncover your music earlier in life, I am sorry for not being able to grow as you had so. I am terribly sorry for not appreciating your work so much sooner. But I can also say thank you for saving who I am today. My life as a growing artist and individual in nature’s time had since evolved after I realized who you are. When times are glim, I look to you. The melody of abyss and gratitude of ideas sprout and the motivation to do anything appealing to humankind lives again. When we dwell in our homes or in a place of comfort that we find suited to us, we think, and we think, of all the certain outcomes of our troubles, what can I do? What should I do? What is right, what is wrong? Sometimes we think we cannot do it at all. We think only of nothing but to hope letting the present choose the past will deal with its outcome. We start to risk a piece of time in which is constantly moving. With all these ideas and patterns, we wish to face what we just cannot. We look at the fear in hopes we may overcome it and follow the path of wonders to stable out mental apparatus. That is what your music tells us. To look only at the timeless memories that had brought us down and understand why it was made. To understand everything was made of its own cause. Being in the dark can also give us light. You give us a piece that transports us to a further subject of living life in its truest form. I wish there were some type of motivation you can receive as well as I have. Something so long lasting and timeless only you can understand. Cancer cannot destroy oneself unless provoked, only you may fight against the dying of the light and rage against the feelings of despair. Bring out the victory as you had done before, and finish peacefully. I wish you the best and continue to live throughout your legacy again. Thank you…Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Sincerely Zachary Mey
Prompts from Homework 11/2/22
Free write: I felt very lazy waking up today, nothing in particular had happened again since my day is just starting, but I feel like it is not as repetitive. Which I mean is a good thing because I feel so bored. For the past couple days, it’s just been working and working, I have my friend coming over this weekend, but I don’t know if I can even allow him to come over since I’m going to be having so much work to do today. I have a philosophy paper due Friday, and a mid-term paper due next Tuesday as well as a math midterm due Tuesday as well. Which is crazy because Hes given us no time whatsoever to study on problems. It’s horrible. Hopefully something comes up but its not fair in my opinion. Other than that, I should be breezing in soon. College life so far though hasn’t been as bad. I didn’t expect it to be

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this much but its manageable at least. I found that writing absolutely kills my wrist and fingers after a long time. So, I switched to using a laptop for this class for the first time and I’m already feeling much better. Besides the fact that I now have to use 10 fingers its still not as bad as working out just one hand. No, I have nothing to write about and I’m getting slowly tired. I wish I was more generous than I was back then. But maybe that’s my downfall who knows. Maybe I wasn’t as expected to their needs. But I shouldn’t say that because that’s just being careless of myself. Maybe some other forces were causing her to say that. Its not a great idea. But it may be the truth. Ah, now its gloomy here. I got to think positively when it comes to things like these. Sadness can sometimes change your whole perspective of your days and limit you on your work. At some point you start to fight two powers then one.
2.  A season is of changing between different weather patterns throughout the year. But to me its more of a beginning to the end of a chapter honestly. Some people may say that winter is the end, and how we start from the beginning after new year’s, but winter is still in the beginning. I feel fall is the end of the year truly because that’s when you visit friends and family on holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and new year’s all bunched up together to create a final ending. For me having to see my cousins and friends one last time before we all go back to our studies or work is the only reason why I say that autumn is really the end of the year.
3.  I feel something that comes up every night is just thoughts, of random noises that I feel just belong in my head because I can’t stop thinking. Sometimes I feel like I’m doing something wrong, or I’m not doing enough, or maybe what am I going to do for tomorrows test. Its all just mixed up thoughts each with a story or solution. Sometimes, however, you can’t outrun it and you just sit there staring into deep, deep space but the thoughts cluttering your mind space. You let yourself adrift and just think about everything. But it also fascinates me at the same time. Being able to think of certain aspects or guesses on a situation you had done so bravely in the past or something you wish you could’ve done massages your brain with dopamine. Until you start to think about the sad things and your mood changes immensely.
4. Acquiesce: to accept or agree to something E.g. (Zachary had Acquiesce towards his mother’s beliefs.)
 Aesthetic: an appreciation or concerned of beauty E.g. (the house of flies was aesthetically pleasing)
 Antithesis: a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. E.g. (she was antithesis to her brother.)
 Auspicious: conductive to success; favorable. (It was not the most auspicious time to let out an assault)
 Brevity: concise and exact use of words in writing or speech. E.g. (New York Times paper edits with brevity)
Dear to whom this may concern,
My full name is Zachary Odom Mey, my viewers, readers, passer Byers, skimmers, or people of humanity. As I speak to you today in which you hear my voice by the thoughts which only you hear, understand I am capable of being understandable by English speakers or readers. By my lingo I may appear tailored to those who can understand my language I tongue. Be it my family tongue, my friendful tongue, or my mutual tongue that may be understandable to you. I am a person capable of attiring to those needs. I can manipulate thoughts and my language of certain slang to benefit in my conversation. Trying to appear appealing towards others in ways where my words can connect to them like the way my words connect to me is what I feel is the hardest thing for me to accomplish. I try to keep my language meaningful but also simple for my readers to understand. And after years of writing, I am capable of being able to use my voice to amplify my text even further towards the public. Having teachers and harsh critics of peer views and understanding of public speech helps give my writing an upper advantage on my viewers. During my years being an instructor in many subjects and being able to give speeches with peers, my voice was able to reach to others, which helped benefit a stronger connection to those around me.
Writing professionally personally is not my strongest advantage if anything, I get my points across very vividly and directly. However, you may be able to determine by my voice of

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the writing. In terms of reliability, I can switch between opinion and professional quite easily making my writing very understandable to a wide variety audience. I feel very exploring and learning of new cultures and languages is I feel particularly important to writing, being able to understand cultures and different religions helped based my views to a broader spectrum. Being able to converse with distinct cultures of people I have spoken to in the past reminds me of people’s lives and the way people act towards specific writings and beliefs. Although I may not be liable to everyone is understanding I can guarantee it is strong information that can be explainable by mouth.

1 thought on “Hello world!

  1. A WordPress Commenter

    Time is a never ending process and will continue to always change. You nonetheless will also change. No matter how indifferent you may think you are, still by day you change. By just a miniscule you change into someone or something completely different. Do not be afraid to change.


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